Starting in our garden 2014!


End of February 2014

Well at the end of February while we had a few good days of morning sun I decide it was time to get out into our garden. So while my partner was up the allotment that he helps two other men on. ( We all help in season but someone has to feed those hungry chickens and collect eggs everyday.)

My son and I made a start on our two little patches Nanny’s garden. We just dug our two patches over one patch at a time. So it took us a weekend but got us both outside while we had two sunny mornings. My son was very disgruntled because I didn’t let him plant anything in the ground but after I explained that it was too cold he understood bless him.


Although the second day it was too disheartening for me to see him so disappointed again. So I let my son plant a pot we had in our collection that had compost and seeds in already all you had to do was open and put together and of course add a little water. It was a courgette pot. My son planted three in the pot.

Later that day however my son decided that planting just three seeds in a pot wasn’t enough and took it upon himself to add some more in his pot. He found some of my seeds and empties the whole pot that contained hundreds of wild poppy seeds in it.( I wish I took a photo.) After about a week it looked like a field of grass with two trees. Yes 2/3 isn’t bad bless him. He was so proud.

Beginning of March 2014

Couldn’t resist buying a small greenhouse this year. My daughters pram helped me bring it home from town. Then the following day my son and I put it together again while his Daddy was at the allotment then he came back just in time to help us finish it off. This is what it looks like:


8th March 2014

It was another couple of days before we could get out in the garden again due to the weather and being at playgroup. So yesterday we finally got out again and started planting some seeds.  First we re potted his courgettes and planted the poppies in the garden. My son wanted to plant some strawberries from seed as they are his favourite fruit and trust me, where my son is concerned you can never have too many strawberry plants. Then we planted some Jalapeno chilli’s , some tomato’s, lettuces, spinach and some more courgettes. These all got put in our new greenhouse. My son was so proud that he helped me make it and that he planted the seeds and put all the ones he could carry in there by himself. We also planted a toothpaste plant aka mint as my son loves it and I planted some Basil and coriander.

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 A photo of my son and myself. My son took the photo of me, not bad for a 3 year old. It also shows off our mini greenhouse and the seeds we had planted and put in it yesterday.

So not a bad start.
